Man Figure
I awoke last night as a stick figure. I was still me but only made out of think black lines living in a white world. I was still a man but one could not tell from my appearance, because really stick figures unless they are dressed have no gender. So males and females are determined by personality not so much genetics and DNA. So any ways after getting over the shock of being a shell of a man I decide to take a look around. I found that I was not alone in this stick built world. I saw many things from stick cats and dogs to stick cars and planes. The world was virtually the same but a great deal simpler. One didn’t have to worry about colors or cloths or a third dimension. I found a street with lights and music spilling out and decide to take a walk down it. I found many other stick people and they found me. I could hear them and they me, but I am not sure how. We had neither ears for hearing nor mouths for speaking. All we really had where black dots for heads and lines to make up our bodies and limbs. This would have interested me but I was enjoying myself to much. I would have really liked to understand how one has a thing like a radio in such a situation. I found myself dancing and playing stick games. People cared very little about what they did because no one could tell one person for another so embarrassment was out of the question. I discover many other people had just awaked in the same situation like I did, however some had recently awaked and others had been here for some time. The ones that had been here for awhile said that most of the new people would leave later but some would stay for a long time. I meet a girl; I could tell by the way she talked also she said she was who I got along with great. The only problem is she thought it was the funniest thing to make me confused. She would run off into the crowed of people and I would have to find her. She looked like everyone else and she new that. I would have to go from person to person trying to tell if it was this girl. I never caught her name and I may never get her; this was not the point however. She enjoyed being looked for and I enjoyed finding her. I didn't like looking but what person does. We all want to be looked for. I tiered of the game after a while and went to the dance floor. I tried to have a good time but would always think that I was missing something. I dance till my little lines hurt. I then lay down and slept. Just before I drifted off I thought I heard her voice, or it was just a new song starting. I then awoke this morning and I decided to be me again and left that shell of a man behind. It was fun for a while but not me.
yea we all think it would be great if we were all the same and only our personalities mattered. But it is the combination of both that makes us who we are and individuals.
and by the way just as good as you said it was.
why can't the world be as simple as the stick figure life?
I think I have felt like that before, but in a different way though.
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