Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Look and be saved or don't and live in idealness

Mr. Nord stood in line wait like everybody else. Clutching his movies and candy as if he was on a liferaft and one of the other survivors where going to steal his rations for him. Nords eyes darted around nervously, studying peoples faces. They all seem normal, no hint of suppostion or wonder in any of them. Nord rubbed one eye and then the other with his closed fist that was wrapped around a long licorice vine. The was something ahead of him in the line that was bothering Nord. He leaned into peoples conversations trying to hear anything that might help his madness. No one was taking about it however, such a odd thing and no one was speaking of it. The peoples conversations where over movies they had seen or what had happened that day. Not a word was spoken about the giant penguin leafing thought the music magazines. He was wearing a sombrero for heavens sake, how could anyone miss him. Nord new what was going on, he was going crazy. Nord was losing his mind and still all he could do was stand in line staring at that fat bird read media propaganda. If someone else could just see him then it would mean he was normal, but to point it out to someone else and have them not see it would prove that he was crazy. Something so simple and yet so hard. Either the penguin lived or he didn't there was in in between. Why did this have to happen to Nord now, or ever. Nord just want to go home watch some movies and eat ju-ju-bees. These bird had come out of no where and decide to hunt him. The lady in front of Nord had looked back at him. Had he said something? Did he bump her? Why was she looking at him? She knew some how. She knew he was going crazy and soon every one else would also. Nord decide to go crazy, those people always seemed happy laughing all the time and placed in rooms that look so comfortable.
"ah, Miss. Do you see a Giant Bird over there reading a Teen vogue?"


Blogger E.Marie said...

HEHE I didnt see a penguin but there was a duck trying on hats. it is easier to believe things are there if others see it to isnt it?

5:11 PM  

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