Monday, March 28, 2005


Jonathan bent over, grabbed a hand full of sand, and let it slowly slip through his fingers.

"Do you know what it is to fight for causes you will never see come to fruition?"

Roberson turned and regarded Jonathan.

"What do you mean Jon?"

Jonathan did not look up, but grabbed another handful of sand and let it go the same rout as the last.

"To know that the person you care for the most in this world cares for someone else. You still care for her none the less and work harder and harder everyday for her happiness, To wake up each day and think how can I make her day better and go to sleep each night wondering if you where able to. Why do I find such a weak emotion, that I only give away. What a fool man is."

"Thinking about Charity again?"

"Yes and no. I am always thinking about her. I am also wondering about the pantheons, why they fight us. As well as thinking about my actions and wondering if I am doing the right thing by being here."

"I know what you mean we are so easily driven by our emotions and desires. There are two reasons to really fight Jon, to protect something or to gain something."

"You think that's why they fight, because they are trying to gain what we have?"


"They seem to be filled with such sorrow; I think that is why they are so strong because they are trying with everything they have to end that horror."

"Jon we are fighting with everything we have also, but to protect those precise to us. How come we seem to be stronger?"

"Cause they still have doubt, we know the pain of loneliness and now know the joy of acceptance. We fight to never have to go back to what we where, and to make sure no one we care for has to go there either."

Jonathan rose up and started to walk along with Roberson.

"You have to give your whole heart to the cause and then work till your body breaks to see it come to pass."

They walked along in silence. After some time they found a place to rest for the night. They set up camp and got ready to stay for the night.

"Jon does she ever write you?"

"No, haven't gotten a letter in a long time."

"I don't get you Jon, you have plenty of beautiful women that call upon you and yet you choose this girl that doesn't even write you, and yet you can't seem to help but smile."

"I have never been able to control my feelings really well. I do not know why I care for her as I do. I just do and am glad to be able to have this feeling."

"Don’t you wish she also cared for you? how can you smile Jon, she could do so much with a simple look at she refuse to even mention your name."

"I do wish she would care for me also, but that is of little importance to me. I work for her and if she does not return those feelings right now, it does not matter. Plus when she finally does smile at me and says my name it will mean all the more."

"She'll never love you Jon."

"She already does, just doesn't know it.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Don’t know. My confidence comes from the same place as my feelings for her. I know not their origin, yet I have them nonetheless. Rob you have your sweet Clarice and you question not your love do you?”

“True but, I know she cares for me also.”

“Would you still not care for her if she turned cold to you? I mean you might be hurt, but would you still not wish joy for her nonetheless. That is true feeling. That is how you know you care for someone.”

“I think your right, but I would be deeply hurt if she turned cold to me. So how can you not also be hurt when your Charity is cold to you?”

“I told you before Rob, I don’t doubt she will turn to me in time. To me this is a waiting game. She does me no wrong and causes no pain as long as I keep this a surety.”

“I marvel at you Jon.”

“Great show your appreciation by taking first watch.”

Jonathan leaned back against a tree and drifted off into a slumber, while Roberson stared into the fire and tried to decipher his emotions for his Clarice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your writing skills once again amaze me. Kitsune, this seems like a coversation people have in life. I know I've had it a few times myself with different people. Kitsune, ganbarimasu! I'll still do my part.

1:16 PM  
Blogger E.Marie said...

ohh i think we all have that happening to ourselves. It is just a big circle of people ignoring people and people falling in love with those people. WHAT a Confusing world we live in. But that is a great way to write it. hehe fox ^_^

5:17 PM  
Blogger Shaleen said...

I really like this one. I can relate to so many parts of it, it's surprising... Ah, well.

6:05 PM  

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