Saturday, July 09, 2005

Part 3

Smith’s natural reaction was to cover his head like everyone else. He could tell who ever fired the shot wanted him to do something. A gun barrel was being pushed into the back of his neck. He was still too dazed to think straight and couldn't hear. Not able to heed whatever might have been said he just sat there. The push became forceful and Smith shouted that he couldn’t hear. Smith just kept shouting it till the pressure at the back of his neck was removed. After a little bit Smith was forcefully turned to face a man he did not recognize. The man seemed to be motioning that Smith should take a place in the back corner of the dinner with the rest of the people. Smith put his hands up not sure if he was suppose to or not and walked over.

All crammed into two booths where the old man, the waitress, the three old card players, and what looked like some kind of cook. The lovers however seemed not to be present. Had something happened to them? Was something going to happen to him? Smith still had a gun, he might be able to do something, but had no idea what was happing. There was simply one man that had not seemed to be in the dinner before now holding all the rest at gun point, while the two lovers where missing. Smith looked around a bit and saw no exits. There where no doors save the one at the front, if this place had bathrooms or any others Smith could not see them. The dinner was a half circle with the kitchen in the middle and the tables on the outer side. Sure there were the glass windows behind him, but he couldn't break it and get out without being shot. He didn't have it in him to shot this gunner either; Smith himself had almost robed the place. It could have been him up there, yet Smith couldn't be sure that these people would all be safe as well. Where were the lovers?

Nothing had happed for sometime. The man was just holding the gun out at Smith and the rest as everyone looked down at the table or out the window. Smith was still trying to think about what he should do. Still his hearing had not come back, and time must be running out. Something was going to happen and soon. Just then smith realized that one of the card players was missing. He had been there only a moment ago what happen. Smith had been to out of it and had missed something important. The faces of the people seemed to be a little panicked now. The gun man yelled something and the old man got up walked behind the counter and into the kitchen, the gun man followed. One could see into the kitchen from the eating are, but nothing more then heads. Smith decided this was a chance to pull the gun out. He had to do something, but he still wasn't sure what. Smith half looked at the other captives faces as he worked the gun out of his coat pocket. The gun was almost as big as the pocket and getting it out smoothly was proving difficult. Suddenly the others faces turned to shock, something had happened. He looked over and didn't see the heads. Movement caught his eye and he saw a pair of boots dragged out of sight.


Blogger Kelsey said...

holy crap someone died! eegads.. could the old man have gotten the lunitic with the gun? this is getting intense, good thing my mum isn't reading, she wouldn't be able to sleep. why did he lose his hearing so bad? did the gunshot make him that deaf?

10:33 AM  
Blogger E.Marie said...

UH Oh! NExt part next part!!! what is smith going to do?
And where are those creepy lovers?

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm....I still think the lovers are behind it all, or the boots. Yeah, maybe it's the boots, I mean they got a reason don't they? Going around all day crammed full of smelly socks and feet! Getting stepped on all time and being forced to step into who knows what!! They just snapped, It wasn't a gunshot that made Smith go deaf it was the methane gas explosion from the foot order that boots had been storing up! The boots weren't being dragged, they were making their escape! That's it, footware of the world arise and throw off your laces and buckles and velcro.....

Sorry, got a little carried away there and on further reflection I'm going to stick with the lovers.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Kelsey said...

I love how we have all destroyed the plot line really. We've made it into the weirdest story ever! i mean blaming it on the boots!?

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omygosh!! I totally forgot about Kid Killsdepressedpeeps!! He's usually the chap behind this sort tomfoolery. Unless....does he have any unusual powers? Maybe he IS the boots! What if he can morph into leather products? He could be anything made out of cowhide!! What if he's not alone but a part of a race of leather-morphing aliens that are bent on taking over the world one shoe at a time! OR.....
That's it, I've figured it out... not the story, the UFO thing. It's COWS, COWS are the aliens! That's why we've never been able to find an alien even though we keep seeing all those ships and crop circles. They're everywhere and they're enslaving us through leather-products and tasty junk-food! What an vile, evil plan... all those cows so willing to scrifice themselves just to infiltrate and destroy us. Kid Killsdepressedpeeps must be their top agent on a mission of pure evil.

Our only hope is people who don't eat meat or wear leather or...OH NO!! Our only hope rests in unwashed bands of tree-hugging hippies... We are so totally screwed!!!

....then again it's probably the lovers.

7:39 AM  
Blogger Amanda/Mandie said...

Okay... it seems like y'all are taking pleasure in blowing apart a great story line. :P Give props to Judge, it's hard to write a decent story. Even harder to write a good one that makes you want to know what happens next.

10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so I finally read the story and wonder what has inspired this short story. When have you learned so much about robberies and guns and little dinners on the side of the road. Who is this smith character and why is he suicidal???

2:20 AM  
Blogger Kelsey said...

yay! sarah finally read a blog!! good choice as well.
and amanda, we love to completly destroy anything we make! that doesn't mean we don't love the story the way it is, we all just have weird slightly sick imaginations.

9:59 PM  

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