Fighting Words
I love the question "have you ever been a fight?" I love asking it, I love getting it. I am just interested in what makes people hit one another. I just always thought every one got into fights as children. I didn't really see any way around it. It may have been that I was an easy target as a fat kid with an odd sense of humor. I also find it funny when people tell me they have never broken a bone. How can one get thought life with out it happening. I know that I'm not the safest person. I have hurt myself many times doing things humans shouldn't do. Yet this is why I don't think it funny when people tell me they've never had road rash. however I once broke my foot playing soccer. Soccer people, a sport that kids play the world over. These unbroken people don't know what it is to stare down at your foot and think. It's not spouse to look like that, right? they don't know what it is to feel a dull thud and then dizzying pain. They don't know these things and some might say that they are better for it. I say they are not. For if they know not these things how can they know the joy of over coming that pain. To know that these bodies of ours are fragile and still push on doing what needs to be done. To be kicked in the teeth and push yourself up, spit out the blood and fight on. To have dropped while climbing and slammed into the rock. Only to pause to catch your breath and head back up to finish the climb. Now I know that allot of my readers know what some or all these things are like. I know that my father has been in a few fights and knows that it is like to hit the pavement going faster then people really should. I know that Su understands the pain of fallen and looking back and laughing at it. I am not telling people to run out and get in fights and jump off cliffs. But to understand that this body is weak and to know that it is not immortal. Which is a weird feeling. Then while knowing that to get out there and do things that one feels is the right thing. Living life to it's fullest and fighting the good fight is the greatest feeling I know. This is but one man's ideals.
I am not sayong your unborken. People can break in many ways. Mine happened once when I cut my hand. The slice was deep and I was in horror of the fact that my hand was lost to me. IT turn out to be only for a mounth but it was still a spical emotion. There are people that do not know this emotion. And they are who I speak of. If you are wondering if you have felt this then dollors ro donuts you haven't. If you think that you have flet this I am not going to argue. You know you better then I do.
*shudder* Broken bones dont even want to think about those. the going into shock the intense pain and then the continuing throbbing that wont go away no matter how many pain killers you have taken. I have also managed to severer some nerves and almost snap a growth plate. which hurts just as much as breaking a bone cause those things arent supposed to bend stil hurts to this day really. oh no you stumbled onto the fact that i like to share battle wound stories. I actually really enjoy doing it. So much fun all the diff things you learn. Well see you later. since you know have a battle wound on your head. Sorry had to throw that in told you it was a bad idea.
Well, believe it or not, I got into quite a few fights when I was younger. I haven't been in a proper all in brawl since I was about 13 or 14 though. I used to fight about stupid stuff, and some of it was because of bullying. You think that fat kids with odd humours get picked on heaps? What about skinny, nerdy, dark-skinned kids? Nuh, it wasn't all that bad. I only remember ever getting into one really good beef because some idiot took my bag as a joke so I kneed him in the head and he kicked me in the face and then there was a lot of blood, mostly mine. I got two detentions (the only ones I got in 6 years of high school).
I've haven't broken a bone yet, I've sprained heaps, fractured a couple and chipped a few teeth. And yes, Soccer is dangerous (I have the scars to prove it). And it's "The World Game", adults the world over play it too =P.
I think I know my body is fragile without breaking bones, I mean look at me - I'm a toothpick. I could snap in half. I've never been kicked in the teeth, in the nose maybe and my legs get a good beating thanks to soccer.
And Stuff,
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