Thursday, April 07, 2005

Rock This Jerk

Rock raises my soul, makes me want to dance and get the world to join in. It gives me energy like a coke addict, it’s my legalized drug and I'm due for a fix. It's funny how I can rock out by myself and have a great time, yet if I can get you to rock out with me it's improves the situation ten fold. When I hear a song that forces my foot to tap, I need to have you listen to it. To Place you into my little experiment, to see if this song affects you like it did me. The best songs I find sing about rocking out. It is a topic that, no matter how your feeling you could be (or should be feeling) the joyful vibrations of rock, making your head bob and hand tip the stirring wheel over and over, singing along to loud and much to off key. The best of songs can make a person dance in private and when discover can't stop dancing, and the best of people can have this effect on others.


Blogger E.Marie said...

That is why I have to get a stereo next semester. It is so much fun to start the morning Listening to great music and dancing around. It is so funny when people can all be in a car and start singing along as loud as they can to a song no matter how off key they are. MUSIC is a great thing makes you just want to bounce all over the place.

2:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are truly your father's son!! :)
Love from mom

5:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My metaphor for everything...

They stood together at the pinnacle of understanding
Unable to resist they touched; hands, hearts and souls
Overwhelmed they danced, twirling and leaping
Swimming in happiness
Becoming one, becoming lost, becoming found

The moment ends; they pull apart
Each taking a piece of the other forever
Forever changed, forever new, forever sad
Swimming in golden memories
The river flows past and is never the same

But between the dancers a bond now lives
A vibration that pulls at their separate souls seeking renewal
It vibrates with desire, with joy and with memory
Swimming in loneliness
It calls for, begs for and demands another dance

Again and again they dance
Each dance a new bond; each bond a new vibration
Each vibration a joy, a new desire, a new memory in the dance
Swimming in music
Each vibration a new tone; a harmony; together a symphony

And so the dance goes on, eternal and glorious
Ever growing, ever richer, ever joyful, ever changing
Each new vibration a note that adds to the great score
Swimming in life
The music goes on and on and the great dance never ends.

8:09 AM  
Blogger Vasu Chetty said...

Every time I listen to punk and rock on Mike's iPod I wish I could dance like those guys in the commercials in the middle of the street. Music breathes life to the soul.

1:49 AM  

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