TOnight I earned allot of experiance points. I sepnt the evning with my sister and her friends. I discover many things that some would say I should not of. I myself might be one of those. A firend tried to get me to drink something alcholic. He did not know that I was mormon and that it was agenst my religon. I for one don't like to use religon for an excuess for not doing something. Some times that is the only reason and thus makes sense other times things are much more complecated. The effort he was putting in to me was awe inspireing. I thouhgt if mebers of the church had passion for the gossoip like he had for me taking a drink, what a world. After a long time I agreed to a drink that had no alchohal. I was unsure if this was the right choice, for I wanted not to offened him but I also did not wish to give into pesure. Ad they say yelled to princapel not presure. I wonder which I really yeiled to cause they both where there. I also got to view an atmisfer that was very foren to me. My mother calls herself a people watcher, I understand what she sees in it, cause I am an evet watcher. ANy thing new is ingreably interseting to me. I am a lover of stories. I love to hear them tell them and be in them. If I can experiance something that can make those stories more real al the better. My sister and I went to a club, but this club had go go dancers. Now remeber they where not stripers or pole dancers or something. From what I could see was that people don't like to dacen alone cause they fear people are looking at them. Well these go go dances take allot of that fear away. Now I must also say that while they where not stripers doesn't mean they where amise either. There clothes where reviling and wntiseing to carneal things. Now this is where things get interseting for me, both bad and good. They did nor borher me. They did not make me want them. Thoughts did not try to take root in my mind. I have seen women at church dressed much more proper that I had to turn my head from. These women I felt sorry for alittle. Cause they had to work in such degreading surcom stances. The men around them stood in a trac stargin into a word of personal fantasy and desire. I wanted to point and luagh at the saddness of them. Gocking at a woman so in public seem so, so... humeleantiny. Could they not find love or any real sense. These where not all bad loking men some even looked like women would fan other them. And yet they had to pay for the conterfit knock off of love. For that short moemt the girl was dancing for him and she was hers. It didn't matter that she was also ever one eles in the room, She loved him for that one moment. The only feeling I could think off that really realated to it was the one I got from first working with retared people, where at first I thought how stuiped and gross are you. I think however that my geelings of that mans actions would never change as they did with the people that where M.R. Fpr the night I only have one regreat, and that was that I was fasting and for a moment I forgot about it. I always do on prolonged fasts. I would not trade that night with my sister for anything, Well maybe a sliver plaed six shoter. O ther then that nothing.