The city seemed to be stuck in a state of perpeual darkness. No one moved, no one made a sound. The stars could not be see this night for the smoke and ash blocked out what little light they offered.
Laten awoke to the noise of a building crumbling in the distance. He reached for grace who was not there. He muscles ach as he slowly pushed himself up. Nothing seemed broken and nothing twisted. Takening a quick look around showed nothing of interest, just a typical tight ally snug between two increable large buildings. it showed nothing of what had really happend in the city, it seemed almost untiuched by time. A smierk came to lathansels face as he thought that this ally might be the only thing he was able to save in the city. It looked like it was snowing as he walked out into the street. The ash fell slowly from the sky dancing in the few street lights that still worked. The city was so peaceful now it was like a child now settled into a peacefuly slumper, but the city would not awake from this sleep. The streets where filled with the peoples cars still trying to flee the city. The sides of the road held the people in their last despreate attpemp to out run the death that most ceriaty had caught them. Walking down the street he tried to not look at or think about all these people he failed. He had failed taskes he had been given before, but had never been around to see the after math. This task however he did not fail, just the people in this city. Countless lives had been saved by his actions, yet it looked like to many had paid the price for his falts. Anger built in him as he turned a corner to yet another street filled with yet many more people. So much anger and sorrow that his mind had trouble keeping track of who the sorce was. Anger at himself for failing, anger at those he worked for for only seanding him. The sounds of buildings here and there falling apart felt with his own feelings. In time he came to where he had last seen grace. There was not much there, only a giant creater where city hall had been. It was shocking to think that nothing had surived that, nothing nother then himself. He guessed he had been tossed at least 15 blocks and had lived some how. He found her stuck hilt deep into a wall in the edge of the creater. A look of remorse show on the face etred into the blade. "I know dear, but maybe next time we can do better." He pulled her free and placed her back at his side. took one last look around at the city and was gone, never to behold it's eternal slumber agian.